This blog post is inspired by a message from Cale on #haskell yesterday. He came up with an amazing way to show how foldr and foldl work:
<Cale> > foldr (\x y -> concat ["(f ",x," ",y,")"]) "z" (map show [1..5]) <lambdabot> "(f 1 (f 2 (f 3 (f 4 (f 5 z)))))"
While the output looks great, the call itself could be clearer, especially for beginners. Through a combination of overloading and small hacks it is possible to get the same result with a much nicer expression,
> foldr f x [1..5] f 1 (f 2 (f 3 (f 4 (f 5 x))))
I will call this module SimpleReflect, since this is a poor mans form of reflection, converting code back to expressions at run time.
module SimpleReflect where
Our results will be 'expressions'. All we need to do with expressions is show them, convert them to strings.
The Show class has a function showsPrec :: Int -> a -> ShowS for converting a value of type a to a string. The ShowS type improves the performance compared to using strings; the integer is used for putting parentheses in the right places. But none of this matters for now, we will just emulate that behavior for our expression type:
newtype Expr = Expr { showExpr :: Int -> ShowS } instance Show Expr where showsPrec p r = showExpr r p
The things like f and x will be variables these are just strings. Showing strings is easy,
var :: String -> Expr var s = Expr { showExpr = \_ -> showString s }
In fact, we can show all kinds of values, for instance numbers. So we could make a function that lifts any showable value to an expression:
lift :: Show a => a -> Expr lift x = Expr { showExpr = \p -> showsPrec p x }
While this is almost identical to var, it is not the same, because the Show instance for String is not the same as showString. Compare:
> var "x" x > lift "x" "x"
In your average piece of source code multiple expressions are combined with operators. The most common operator is function application, written with just whitespace. Each Haskell operator has a precedence level, indicating how tight that operator binds to its arguments.
In this blog post we only deal with left associative operators, which means that the left sub-expressions is printed with the same precedence level. A simple combinator for operators is then:
op :: Int -> String -> Expr -> Expr -> Expr op prec op a b = Expr { showExpr = showFun } where showFun p = showParen (p > prec) $ showExpr a prec . showString op . showExpr b (prec + 1)
We would like to be able to use variables like f as if they were functions, so this f has to have the type f :: a -> Expr, or f :: a -> b -> Expr, etc. This can be done with type classes. The class FromExpr defines what things we can use expressions for:
class FromExpr a where fromExpr :: Expr -> a
Obviously expressions are themselves expressions,
instance FromExpr Expr where fromExpr = id
Any expression can also be used as a function. As stated above function application is the operator " "; it has precedence level 10, higher than any real operator. To be as generic as possible we can lift any showable argument to an expression.
instance (Show a, FromExpr b) => FromExpr (a -> b) where fromExpr f a = fromExpr $ op 10 " " f (lift a)
With FromExpr in place we can make more generic variables that can be used as any function type:
fun :: FromExpr a => String -> a fun = fromExpr . var
With all this in place Cale's foldr example can now be written as
> foldr (fun "f") (var "x") [1..5] f 1 (f 2 (f 3 (f 4 (f 5 x))))
To write even shorter examples a slightly evil idea is to simply define 26 variables,
a,b,c,.. :: FromExpr a => a
There is a minor problem with this idea, which will become apparent once you try it out:
*SimpleReflect> foldr f x [1..5] <interactive>:1:8: Ambiguous type variable `b' in the constraints: `FromExpr b' arising from a use of `x' at <interactive>:1:8 `Show b' arising from a use of `f' at <interactive>:1:6 Probable fix: add a type signature that fixes these type variable(s)
The compiler doesn't know what the type of x should be. It is only used as an argument to f, but that can be any Showable type. In the future we might be able to write default FromExpr Expr (see the Haskell' wiki), but until then we will have to do something else.
Since usually the names f, g, etc. are used for functions, I chose to only overload those, and make the rest simple variables:
a,b,c,d,e,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z :: Expr [a,b,c,d,e,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z] = [var [x] | x <- ['a'..'e']++['i'..'z']]
f,g,h :: FromExpr a => a f = fun "f" g = fun "g" h = fun "h"
With our 26 new top level names we can finally the original example in a natural way,
> foldr f x [1..5] f 1 (f 2 (f 3 (f 4 (f 5 x))))
All this work for just foldr and foldl seems like a bit of a waste of time. To make things a little bit more interesting we could also add support for numeric operations. Then we can write
> sum [1..5] :: Expr 0 + 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5
To do this we need to define instances of Num and Enum. The first of these is not very hard, but we need Eq and later Ord instances as well.
instance Eq Expr where a == b = show a == show b
The Ord class has two functions of type a -> a -> a, which is where we can do something interesting:
instance Ord Expr where compare a b = compare (show a) (show b) min = fun "min" max = fun "max"
Now we get minimum [x,y,z] ==> min (min x y) z for free.
The Num class has some operators. The mechanism for defining does is already in place, so this class should be simple:
instance Num Expr where (+) = op 6 " + " (-) = op 6 " - " (*) = op 7 " * " negate = fun "negate" abs = fun "abs" signum = fun "signum" fromInteger = lift
To write [1..5] :: [Expr], Expr needs to be an instance of Enum. Here we bump into a bit of a problem, how do we enumerate expressions?
Well, I will cheat a bit, and read out the expression as an integer. This operation is the inverse of lift, let's call it unlift:
unlift :: Read a => Expr -> a unlift expr = read (show expr)
Conversion to Integers is usually done with toInteger from the Integral, so we add an instance for that as well. We need a Real instance first:
instance Real Expr where toRational = toRational . toInteger
instance Integral Expr where toInteger = unlift quot = op 7 " `quot` " rem = op 7 " `rem` " div = op 7 " `div` " mod = op 7 " `mod` " -- someone forgot a default :( quotRem a b = (quot a b, rem a b) divMod a b = (div a b, mod a b)
Finally the Enum class. As I already said, the actual enumeration can be handled by going through toInteger and fromInteger.
instance Enum Expr where succ = fun "succ" pred = fun "pred" toEnum = fun "toEnum" fromEnum = fromEnum . toInteger enumFrom a = map fromInteger $ enumFrom (ti a) enumFromThen a b = map fromInteger $ enumFromThen (ti a) (ti b) enumFromTo a c = map fromInteger $ enumFromTo (ti a) (ti c) enumFromThenTo a b c = map fromInteger $ enumFromThenTo (ti a) (ti b) (ti c) ti = toInteger -- just to fit in the page layout of the blog
None of the above was terribly complicated, just a lot of boilerplate code. What can we do with such a well-plated boiler? Here are some examples:
> sum $ map (*x) [1..5] 0 + 1 * x + 2 * x + 3 * x + 4 * x + 5 * x
> iterate (^2) x [x, x * x, x * x * (x * x), x * x * (x * x) * (x * x * (x * x)), ...
> scanl f x [a,b,c] [x, f x a, f (f x a) b, f (f (f x a) b) c]
> zipWith3 f [1,2..] [1,3..] [1,4..] :: [Expr] [f 1 1 1, f 2 3 4, f 3 5 7, f 4 7 10, f 5 9 13, f 6 11 16, ...
Coming soon to a lambdabot near you.
Hello Twan,
Very neat code :). I did have a minor issue with it, however.
It is the same issue that I had with augustss' implementation for symbolic maths, how comparison is defined:
This seems risky if you then try to use the reflection in more complicated code.
You are right that this is dangerous, for instance "gcd 1 2 :: Expr" will diverge.
The only reason I implemented Eq and Ord is that they are required to have a Num instance. I have also made a slightly more advanced version of this module, there I carried along the Integer value of an expression (if there is one). This allows comparison to work as long as you don't use variables.
Eq being a superclass of Num is a real pain. Especially since Eq is not overloaded in the result type (Bool), so we can't reflect properly.
Hey this is really cool :-)
Lots of stuff to think about. Oh, and one last question: how do I format code in the comments? :-)
There's a neat way to show how iterate works as well:
Well, but this is cooler: Prelude> :m +SimpleReflect Prelude SimpleReflect> take 5 $ iterate f x [x,f x,f (f x),f (f (f x)),f (f (f (f x)))]